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Your first idea about pests entering your Fresno, CA house might not be birds. However, certain birds may be rather bothersome, especially if they make a home in your roof or attic. The common pigeon, European starling, and house sparrow are three of the most frequent nuisance birds to be cautious of.

Common pigeon

The red feet, grey and black plumage, and black bands across the wings and tails make these birds immediately identifiable. They’re roughly a foot long on average. Pigeons prefer grain over human food, but they will eat it as well. They have been seen to eat from spilled trash or open trash cans. They normally build their nests above ground and will live in steeples, gaps in roofs, or tiny spaces in attics. These birds are especially harmful because they frequently transport additional pests such as fleas, mites, ticks, and lice. Salmonella, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and toxoplasmosis are among the germs and illnesses that pigeons and their droppings can transmit.

Fill in access gaps to prospective nesting locations, make landing areas dangerous by adding impediments, and block nooks and crannies in roofs to deter these birds from roosting near you. Also, keep garbage covered and contained so that they cannot get it.

European Starling

Starlings often reach a length of 6 to 9 inches. Their bodies are primarily black and lustrous in the summer, with the exception of their upper wings and flanks, and their beaks are yellow. Their beaks become grey and their plumage develops light-colored speckles in the winter. Starlings eat seeds and tiny invertebrates like larval insects, but they will also feed on garbage cans and spilled or abandoned human food in public locations. They will also devour tree fruit, posing a threat to agriculture. Starling droppings promote the growth of disease-causing fungi and bacteria, as well as causing structural damage to steel and other materials. These birds are also noted for making a lot of noise and traveling in groups.

Close off any gaps bigger than one-inch, trim trees to make them unattractive for nesting, block flat surfaces, keep rubbish out of reach, and keep gutters clean to avoid standing water. Also, if you have bird feeders, fill them with seed combinations that repel starlings and other problem birds.

House Sparrow

Sparrows have black and brown stripes and are around 6 inches long. They are opportunistic nesters that will set up shop wherever they can find a safe haven. They will eat seeds and grain, just like other nuisance birds, but they will also damage or destroy flowers, seedlings, fruits, vegetables, and any abandoned human food they can find. House sparrows are noisy, aggressive birds that will chase away other attractive songbirds from nesting and congregating locations, and their droppings contain acids that are hazardous to structural materials and automobile paint. Their nests are a fire danger and allow other pests to live there.

Keep any wasted food in closed containers and cover gaps and holes larger than 34 inches to prevent these birds from breeding.

Contact Official Pest Prevention if you have pest birds living in or around your house. We can assist you in getting rid of them.


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