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Fall is almost here, believe it or not! This may be good news for you in terms of weather preferences, as the temperature will begin to fall gradually soon. It’s a fantastic time to see colorful leaves, football games, and haunted houses! However, it is also a time when pests attempt to establish a home inside of yours in search of warmth and food. And we all know that if a pest can get in through the smallest crack, they will. It is best to begin preparing now so that there will be no problems later! Begin investing in a regular residential pest control service to enjoy your home completely this Fall!


Prepare Your Home For Fall Pests

Seal Cracks & Crevices

The most common way pests enter your home is through tiny cracks and crevices you’ve probably walked past a million times without noticing. However, for insects or rodents, this is their escape route. If your home has a sliding door, inspect any small openings that could allow pests to enter. Another important aspect of residential pest control is to inspect the siding and outer walls. You can use caulk or steel wool to seal these areas, which will help to block any potential openings on the exterior of your home. Steel wool is useful because it is both tough and flexible.


Eliminate Garbage

One of the primary reasons pests and critters attempt to enter your home is to find food. As a result, one of the most important functions of a pest control service is to prevent this from happening! Make certain that any food source is securely closed. Open garbage can quickly become a breeding ground for any insect or pest looking for a meal. Avoid leaving food out for extended periods of time, including pet food! Many pet owners leave food out overnight without thinking twice, but pests don’t care if it’s “human” or “pet” food; they want it all! As a result, make sure to store all foods in a strategic manner.


Clean Your Countertops

Do you keep snacks and fruits on your counters? This is essentially a feast for any ravenous pest. To manage residential pest control, make sure you have good airtight containers to store your food in. Try not to leave crumbs or dirty dishes in the sink after cooking a meal. Although it may not appear to be much, mice only consume about 3 grams of food per day and can survive on crumbs. Don’t be surprised if you have a mouse friend in your home if the amount of food left out attracts them!


Inspect Your Basement, Attic & Crawl Spaces

You must ensure that these critical areas are well-ventilated and dry. The reason for this is that pests are drawn to moisture! Why is this the case? To survive, they must draw moisture from their surroundings. Insects are drawn to damp areas inside the home, but they can also be found in wet areas around the outside of houses. Your pet’s water bowl is one interior space that is frequently overlooked. Because of the amount of sitting water, this could attract insects.


Carefully Inspect Your Groceries

Cockroaches, mice, rats, flies, and even birds are a problem in grocery stores. Consider this: the grocery store carries almost every type of food. Because it is out in the open, the produce section is likely to be a pest’s target. This is why it is critical to wash your produce and unload groceries carefully at home. Roaches love cardboard boxes, so keep an eye out for them the next time you go grocery shopping. You may believe that “this would never happen to me,” but you never know!


Make Any Necessary Repairs

Check to see if you are keeping up with any yearly maintenance that your home requires. Repair any damaged screen windows or doors and clean them thoroughly. It may not be perfect, but doing your part is the best way to stay on top of a problem like pests! Keep an eye out for any signs of unwanted pests to prevent the problem from worsening.


Official Pest Prevention has been treating homes for pest infestations for years, so you can count on our experienced residential pest technicians to provide quality service. Our courteous service and thorough pest treatments demonstrate that customer satisfaction is critical to our success. We focus on treating bugs outside of your home and preventing them from getting inside, reducing the number of treatments required inside. We provide ongoing training to all of our residential pest technicians to ensure that they consistently exceed industry standards. Call us today for assistance!


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